Anthony Pettis šel během svého debutu ve velterové váze proti všem papírovým předpokladům a kuriózně se stal vůbec prvním mužem, kterému se podařilo porazit Stephena Thompsona jinak než na body. Jeho brutální KO bylo oceněno výkonem večera. Na vítěznou dráhu se vydal i Curtis Blaydes, jenž po KO od Francise Ngannoua dle finálního hodnocení tří soudců jednoznačně vyzrál nad Justinem Willisem, který se do té doby nesl na vlně osmi výher v řadě.

UFC Nashville, výplaty
Anthony Pettis: $360,000 ($145,000 to show, $145,000 win bonus, $50,000 Performance of the Night bonus, $20,000 fight week incentive pay)
Stephen Thompson: $165,000 ($155,000 to show, $10,000 fight week incentive pay)
Jussier Formiga: $100,000 ($45,000 to show, $45,000 win bonus, $10,000 fight week incentive pay)
Randa Markos: $96,000 ($18,000 to show, $18,000 win bonus, $50,000 Performance of the Night bonus, $10,000 fight week incentive pay)
John Makdessi: $87,000 ($36,000 to show, $36,000 win bonus, $15,000 fight week incentive pay)
Marlon Vera: $82,000 ($36,000 to show, $36,000 win bonus, $10,000 fight week incentive pay)
Bryce Mitchell: $77,500 ($12,000 to show, $12,000 win bonus, $50,000 Fight of the Night bonus, $3,500 fight week incentive pay)
Bobby Moffett: $65,500 ($12,000 to show, $50,000 Fight of the Night bonus, $3,500 fight week incentive pay)
Curtis Blaydes: $59,000 ($27,000 to show, $27,000 win bonus, $5,000 fight week incentive pay)
Alexis Davis: $47,000 ($37,000 to show, $10,000 fight week incentive pay)
Frankie Saenz: $29,000 ($24,000 to show, $5,000 fight week incentive pay)
Angela Hill: $28,000 ($23,000 to show, $5,000 fight week incentive pay)
Maycee Barber: $27,500 ($12,000 to show, $12,000 win bonus, $3,500 fight week incentive pay)
Luis Pena: $23,900 ($12,000 to show, $12,000, $3,600 fine for missing weight, $3,500 fight week incentive pay)
Jennifer Maia: $23,500 ($10,000 to show, $10,000 win bonus, $3,500 fight week incentive pay)
Chris Gutierrez: $23,500 ($10,000 to show, $10,000 win bonus, $3,500 fight week incentive pay)
Jordan Espinosa: $23,500 ($10,000 to show, $10,000 win bonus, $3,500 fight week incentive pay)
Justin Willis: $22,000 ($18,000 to show, $4,000 fight week incentive pay)
Deiveson Figueiredo: $22,000 ($18,000 to show, $4,000 fight week incentive pay)
JJ Aldrich: $22,000 ($18,000 to show, $4,000 fight week incentive pay)
Steven Peterson: $19,100 ($12,000 to show, $3,600 from Pena for missing weight, $3,500 fight week incentive pay)
Eric Shelton: $19,000 ($14,000 to show, $5,000 fight week incentive pay)
Jesus Pinedo: $15,500 ($12,000 to show, $3,500 fight week incentive pay)
Ryan MacDonald: $13,500 ($10,000 to show, $3,500 fight week incentive pay)